Daily rituals in addiction recovery

Everyone could do with a healthy daily routine, but it’s so important for those who are in early sobriety. Predictability is your friend when you’re finding your feet. And during this time of change, the stability and structure helps. The trick is to make it do-able. This is supposed to help, not stress you out.


Here are my top 10 suggestions for what you might want to try to do…


Set a regular sleep schedule

Get up at the same time every morning and have a proper bedtime. Improving your quality of sleep will train your body’s circadian rhythm. Everything feels better when you’re not so damn tired.


Make your bed

Sounds silly, but this will set your morning off on a positive note and give you a small sense of achievement. These small keystone habits can produce a ripple effect throughout the rest of your day.


Be grateful

It doesn’t matter what it is or how small but find something to be grateful for and make a note of it. Many of us write gratitude lists. But you could also take a photo of it and store it in a specific album on your phone.


Move your body

Stretch, run, walk, lift weights, do a YouTube yoga workout. It doesn’t matter what you do or for how long. But shut your mind off and get into your body. It’s taken a bit of a battering from your addiction. So be gentle and kind.


Get outside

I don’t care if it’s raining or if you don’t go far, but don’t stay cooped up indoors all day. Walk round the block. Nip to the shops. Feel the air on your skin. You’ll be glad you did it.


Make a list

Either last thing at night or first thing in the morning, write out your schedule for the day, what you need to get done and when you’re going to do it. It’s all about structure and minimising stress.


Manage your diet

Stay hydrated and give your body the fuel it needs to heal and stay energised. People with poor eating habits are more likely to relapse, so eat regularly and eat well. Balanced nutrition will improve your mood as well as your health.


Talk to someone

I know it’s easy to message, but every day you need to make sure you speak to another human. Call your sponsor or another person in recovery. Sharing how you are will stop you bottling things up and hearing from you might cheer someone else up too.


Have some downtime

Life shouldn’t always feel like hard work, so take time out to do something enjoyable or relaxing. Read, do Wordle, doodle, take a bath. Whatever floats your boat. Just make sure you let yourself go a little.


Don’t forget

It’s important to remind yourself why you’re in recovery. Go to a meeting, do some reading, speak to your therapist. This isn’t about ruminating on your mistakes but staying focused on what you’re trying to achieve.